Wednesday, June 17, 2015

Agaptivity greets its first supporting and contribution company!

We welcome Söljén & Co Försäkringskonsult! 

We thank you for the donation made today, a donation we immediately transferred to the needy in Kisumu Kenya. 

Thus you became an saving angel in their difficult situation having been without food for three days. Tomorrow they will have their bellies full again and their guardian, Wycliffe, will once again enjoy the smiles on the faces of the wonderful children. 

Thank you! 

Kind regards 

Ted Sjovall 


Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Hunger. Questions, thoughts and answers.

They lack means for food. Again. Tomorrow will be the third day without food.... Agaptivity waits for means to arrive from the first company to support Agaptivity - Agaptivity says thanks! These means we know will come to us.

The reality is such that we need more members, donors and sponsors for having a steady flow of means, a secure flow of aid.

Agaptivity awaits members contributions to come in and other agreements, even if they aren't on paper, to be implemented.

While waiting for that we beg you who have been thinking about or is thinking about helping the orphans i Kisumu Kenya to take action and become members. You can really make a difference.

Very soon we will compile and present all the purchase made. This will be done both by documents and pictures of receipts from the purchases made. Agaptivity hope that this will punch a hole in any suspicions people may hold and undermine them who question the validity in this. 

There are those who doesn't question Agaptivity but the receiving part. But keep this in mind that that is actually questioning Agaptivity too. If the receiving part isn't honest that would mean that Agaptivity have been fooled, and if Agaptivity have been fooled then Agaptivity is not to be trusted either.

I, Ted Sjovall, have a way to say about this and that is that if you stick to the truth you do not have to think about what you say or do, the truth will be sufficient for itself. But if you are lying then you must always know what you have said or done to avoid being exposed. Thus I have on multiple occasions asked questions to see if I would get answers that are contradictory. That I have not found.

Another question that have come up is how much of the funding that goes to administraion, salaries for example. I, Ted Sjovall, do all this for free (I haven't even considered any fees or such). I do this because it is the right thing to do. The only expenses the organization have had so far is for two domain names (about $21). The only costs are the transfer fees and they are unavoidable. 

The money you give will reach its destination and will be used for what it is meant for.

We are looking forward in having more members and donors but also having people sharing our information. 

Down below a few words from Wycliffe.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

MondayToday I spent whole afternoon praying for God's coverage and dedicating orphans at the the center then I had to sit down with the one on one for child counseling. [...]  
They composed a song..and Uncle ted is one of the lines and Agaptivity. 
Now two days again orphans going with sad..When i was there,i had to a feeling...and it was painful to me when Joash asked me"Daddy,are we going to have no food again after these hours and nights and days??"Then i moved with tears.. 
TuesdayAgain they are a sleep with empty stomach.... [...] 
It is hard for us here both orphans and family....pray for us...we have projects like that i shared with you that we need to accomplish but urgent is food....

Saturday, June 13, 2015


An update is probably in order after the struggle for saving the centre and not having Wycliffe arrested. Thanks to some amazing donations we got the money. Please read previous post here on the blogpage.

Thus, the latrine is made. Now, as usual, there is need for food. Since so "much" had to spent on the latrine project the means could not be used for food. Wycliffe says it is great that the latrine is made but that there is need for food in the bellys for the latrine to be used ;)

Thursday we were happy to receive a donation so Agaptivity could send $68 for food. At the purchase Wycliffe said he would buy some sweets for the kids. Due to the stress they have been through they need some smile on their faces. They are more than worth it!

Down below some excerpts from the past short chats.

They still need help and YOU can help make a difference. Sign up for membershop or donate.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

In the middle of the crisis, just before we solved it:Bro.Ted, If you can; i request you/us manage the crisis and headache we are in currently. Should we get some donations then first thing in the morning will e purchase and let work continue. [...] So i wait to receive from you as God enables you before we go to bed. Shalom! Pastor.Wycliffe.
Crisis solved:Great is the LORD!Toilte is complete.What remaining is paintings that when God provides the means we shall do.Kids are using it now.And the URGENT thing now is Food for the orphans and clean water.I am safe,i never got jailed because with friends help and Agaptivity support and donation we met the deadline of putting the toilet project done! 
we have the toilet, yes but for you to access a toilet you must put something in your stomach. this is what kids lack now for the past days even when were on the site working... i assumed the yawning and cryings because there was a target on my is done!!
Thanks for the $68:Thank you.Because they had missed break first,i will buy enough sugar, tea, firewood, cooking oil, beans and rice and to make the kids happy,i will be getting the some candies, sweets and biscuits...just for smiles..

Sunday, June 7, 2015

We did it! The centre, the orphans and Wycliffe saved!

It was a close call. In the very last minute tonight we received two donations of about together $180, thus the latrine project is saved. Now they can buy the things necessary for finishing it and let the children move back in again. Also the authorities will not arrest Wycliffe!

However! However, there is still need for money for food. The kids have been without food for days now. The money now collected could perhaps be enough for food too for one till two days. Perhaps....

They still need help and you can make a difference. Sign up as member or donate.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Saturday, June 6, 2015

No food and thrown out. Their guardian at risk being arrested....

Not only aren't the orphans allowed to stay at the centre. Only God knows what they have to endure through the nights without their shelter.... Now they have also been without food for four days.

Greatful news is that Agaptivty received a $100 donation today. Being thankful is not enough of a expression. Thank you, thank you, thank you. Now there's 200-260 dollars missing to finish the building the latrine. It must be done by Monday, or Wycliffe can show up the means (money) necessary for it. Otherwise the centre will be shut down, the kids will have to continue live, hungry, on the streets, while their protector, Wycliffe will be arrested.

200-260 dollar. That is however not enough for food too.

We're talking about 300-360 for the latrine. Then $68 is enough for food and saniatires/toiletries for 68 persons for 3 days. Not really that much money in itself. It is not huge sums we, Agaptivity, or they expect. Well, we don't expect anything really. We only hope. We hope that more will contribute however small.

Small means can make a big difference. You can make a difference. Sign up for membership or donate.

Wycliffes words down below.

Kind regards

Ted Sjövall

I also care when because of these toilet peoject kids cannot now have food for few far they have gone without anything in their stomach for the past 4 days....toilet is a must because of the threats and condition which even personally i understand.

Friday, June 5, 2015

From urgent to crisis. Kids thrown out and Wycliffe arrested?

This is an update from the previous posts (here and here). 

Money had arrived and were sent, about $68, for building materials. The $68 is about 5.500 kenyan shilling) and they are by no means enough.

Now it is really a crisis. Why? Well, not only will the authorities close down the centre and the orphans will be thrown out in the streets. Also Wycliffe is at risk being arrested.

Agaptivity have begged for money before. Now it is urgent once again.

So, what are we talking about? We're talking about 300-360 dollars. That should be fixed rather easily and you can help.

If you can and want to help - now is the time.

Read Wycliffes words down below.

Agaptivity and the orphans beg for you help.

Sign up for membership or donate money.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Ted,with we received the sent yesterday.We were to buy 10 cements,12kilogram of nails,24 polls and 15 iron sheets,Timber the total cost was to be 17,500 Kshs plus labour which is 8,000.So far what you sent to us we bought 2 cement and polls plus transport and that money is all gone.Building materials costs are very expensive.So far we have keep these that we bought till we by the rest.the officers will be here today as you said that is enough for materials the answer is NO on a polite note.Today,for the past 14 days can you imagine the kids have been having a problem of where to to go for a long call and short call.We had been f=given a notice that we should keep sanitation and if this continue i will be arrested as the leader.Help!

Thursday, June 4, 2015

Help! Still urgent! The orphans at risk being thrown out on the streets tomorrow.

This is an update from the previous post. The hole for the toilet/latrine is now done due to money being sent in the very last minute, the workers wouldn't have finished it otherwise. That was about 68 dollars. They are now gone. Now there is a need for building materials, timber, sand and cement etc.

The kids are now not allowed to be at the center due to the open hole (even though it is covered).

Deadline tomorrow. Then the centre will be shut down by the authorities and the kids will be thrown out in the streets....

Read Wycliffes words down below.

Agaptivity and the orphans beg for you help.

Sign up for membership or donate money.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Today I write to you to confirm that the 28ft hole is ready and because the hole is open and dangerous we need to cover this pit,get the building materials(wire mesh,nails,cement,sand,poles,timber and iron shits)yesterday the official came and confirmed and gave us till Friday that the toilet is fully made.Please to avoid danger to the children,the orphans sent back to the streets and the center getting closed we need these items asap so that today and tom morrow we build and kids start using this toilet.This project have been making me have sleepless nights and stress.Please do all you can.I will be back to you again to see response and anything that God have put in your hand so that you be a blessing.Urgent!

Monday, June 1, 2015

Important. Urgent. Help needed now.

As mentionend in previous post the orphans are at risk being thrown out of the orphange if a latrine isn't made. The work has progressed but now the workers has stopped and will not continue until they get payed. (Wycliffes message down below).

This is really urgent and you can help.

Sign up for membership or donate money.

If you sign up for membership you can start contributing right after signing up, please remember to add your name.

We're hoping for your aid.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

"Bro.Ted,It is already on Monday here.This not working for me as expected in regards to meeting the deadline i was given.The laborers have stopped working till i make another payment to them.There are also urgent need of us getting materials to help make this happen urgently.My request,prayer and plead is that please if you can help us.It is urgent need of my time in orphans work and crises.Kids have no where to help themselves and here the letter from the ministry of closer to the center have been delivered to me now when sanitation have not been observed within 2 days.I will not focus on the problem but on the promise.Hoping to hear from you and receive from you once you read this email.///Wycliffe."