One of the orphans was sadly in an accident. She got hit by a motorcycle. The condition is very critical, Awino, only 11 years, is now hospitalized in choma.
In the midst of all this all money is gone, there's no food and Wycliffe's wife, who also is one of the caretaker of the orphans, is pregnant, seven months in, with all the tiredness and sickness involved. Wycliffe and Jemimah usually take turns in the work but the pregnancy doesn't really help. Therefore one of the older kids are now staying with Aniwo at the hospital.
I asked how much all this will cost and Wycliffe understood it would be about $168. THAT is much in this context, that money would give food for 72 people for about 9-10 days.
Thus we beg you, again, for your help. We need more members and donors, donors and sponsors.
A thing like this is tragic and an upheaval in itself - a kid hurt and in a critical condition. But then, also, due to the context/circumstances this will have devastating consequences if they don't get help.
Please, join and make a difference. Support Agaptivity. Become a member or/and donate.
We are hoping for YOUE aid.
(Below an excerpt from my chat with Wycliffe today.)
Kind regards
Ted Sjovall
Uncle,we have just worken up with a sad news that we didnt expect that one of the orphans was hit this morning with a motobike and Awino is on a serious condition.Jemimah have rushed to provincial hospital the phone call just is is that Awino is in ICU and medication needed.I have to end here and rush because Jemimah too have been sick and tired of pregnancy....i'll update you...pray...
the situation is no that good.Awino is in coma in ICU at the provincial in prayers and bills support urgently needed.
We have left one of the youths with the child,i am back home to see at the center what others(orphans)might eat,Jemimah on the other hand is on her last days of pregnancy and feels heavy.
We have NOTHING in our pocket when this situation happened.Not even food for the orphans at the center and so hope and courage is our strength.So far the bill is not yet out but as for today i have been told 13,800 Kshs so the bill will keep on going daily by day...I have been also advised by one doctor to transfer the child to a better facility as doctors were on go slow duty....seems strike was in the offering.
I am thinking for the life of the child if we get some help i will consider transferring the child because trainees were the people whom this morning were handling her and i was not very happy seeing that.In the morning the doctors who served us was really very good.
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