Sunday, January 24, 2016

The price was a goat....

Last wednesday Wycliffe with family had to rush to hospital because their little baby Maria had turned sick having difficulty breathing. They had to wait for hours before any doctor could attend to them, all due to a long line of patients. During to first 4 hours of waiting 7 children died in front of their very eyes....
Medical access in Kenya terrible...we have been here 4hrs now and we have not seen far 7 deaths as i watch. These are children..!
I wrote a post on Agaptivity's Facebook page regarding this.

It turned out Maria had pneumonia and eye infection. That was that. But then....since there were no money they couldn't pay the hospital bill or pay for drugs for Maria. Jemimah spent the night there with Maria. Wycliffe made the 10 km walk back home to attend to the orphans and his family.(from past thursday)
We are admitted ar the hospital.We couldn't walk 10km back home the situation of the little child Maria is bad.So Jemimah is in the hospital with the child ad i walk back home to take care of the rest of the family and the orphans.
I urge to text me once you have sent.Am currently in hospital with Jemimah and Maria abd from here to the bank is few minutes walk.Maria us suffering with pneumonia and eye infection.We dont gave money to pay bill or subscribed drugs but am strong not shaken.Today the child can breath...orphans are very dirty once yousenr i will buy soaps etc.Drugs for Maria is 2200 Ksh  hospital bill 1900 Ksh by now.When we are able today we will be discharged
There were no money. The money that we did recieve before this went to food. That lasted for two days. Then Wycliffes mother in law stepped in and saved the day. She actually sold her goat. THAT is making a sacrifice in that part of the world! But Maria got her medicine and the bill go paid.
Oh,Maria is out of hospital.My mother in law from the village came and when she realised the bill had not been paid she sold het goat...and again bought to Maria the drugs that were subscribed.She is oyt if danger
Now still remaining is to get the orphans to school. They haven't been able to get there. Some have a distance of between 40 - 50 km. That is to far to walk and there is no money for transport. At school many kids would get fed. Now they are all stuck at the center where the food, yet again, is out since two days.... 

Again 4 week orphans won't be in school.Food have run out since two days ago.This is the situation we live in.

That invsaion of bedbugs they managed to rid since all this is of little comfort now.

Please join in aiding. It doesn't require much and you can make a difference no matter how big or small you contribute.

Info on how to help out here.

Looking forward to having you onboard.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

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