Saturday, May 21, 2016

Thanks for a sucessful event!

On wednesday May 4th Agaptivity arranged an event where the pub Plektrum was host. Non less than five different artists/bands supported this event by entertaining the guests. This was the first really warm day of the year. Thus it took a while for people to start showing up. But eventually there was a great evening and a joyful atmospere.

Therefore we at Agaptivity want to thank everybody for making all this come true.
Thank you!
Därför vill Agaptivity tacka alla som gjorde det möjligt - Tack!

(All below will get a thank you on our homepage)

Plektrum Bar

Thanks for having and
thank you for wanting to continue making more of these great nights.
Agaptivity is looking forward to this cooperation.

Oskarstorget 1, Örebro

Örebros Rock Club! Live performances - 2 levels   
Open 9pm - 2am 

The Artists

Thank you all for making this a memorable experience.
A special thank you to Per "Pelle" Fors - if it wasn't
for your efforts gathering all the artists none of this would have happened.
Thank you Tobias Andersson, Pelle & Marie, Max & Peter, Åstadens Poporkester and
Jonas Amcoff even if you had to cancel.
Thanks also to the auido engineer Pelle Hedman for 
sorting up and controling all the wires and the sound!

Tobias Andersson 

Tobias on Facebook
Pelle on Facebook. Marie on Facebook

Max & Peter

Max & Peter on Facebook

Åstadens Poporkoster
Åstadens Poporkester on Facebook

Jonas Amcoff
Jonas Amcoff på Facebook

Pelle Hedman
Pelle Hedmand on Facebook

And last - but definitely not least - an extra thank you to Agaptivity's Project Coordinator Caroline Silvarö. This was all you idea and initiative. So, without you nothing would have happened at all.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

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