Thursday, August 25, 2016

The holidays are over. Time for action again. Now.

Well, the holidays are over. Back to to work and the everyday life routines.

The orphans in Africa have not been neglected but now it is time to get going again and strive forward.

Today I received a message that they have had some rough weeks with little or no food. They also need money for transportation to school since the semester start up again.

On Agaptivity's account there is now just about $32

The transportation is about $180.

Then it would be nice to get a fair amount for food and water.

What can we do? What can you do? I know what I will do and I hope that you too will do something.

You will find info on how to contribute here:

Agaptivity hope for and look forward to your contribution.

Please read Wyliffe's word down below.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall
"Transport is 17,850 Ksh.But food has been a huge challenge since it has been weeks of hunger & lack. "

"Urgent thing now is food it has beed weeks for these orphans & transport for these orphans to get back to school.Since schools opened on last Monday only these kids haven't been to school ehile others continue with learning."

Sunday, July 24, 2016

Soon there.....

To all of you who contributed - great job! However, we're not really there.

We set a goal of of $635 to solve debts when diseases hit (malaria, typhoid and cholera) and costs for the burial of the orphan Teresa who died from these diseases. We set this goal so we also could raise $116 for food, water and sanitary items. They have been through a rough period of hunger, starvation.... and these $116 would help them - 72 individuals - for six days.

We have so far recieved and sent $412 (including $20 for transfer fees*)

Vi har fått in och skickat 3.569 kronor (varav avgick 175 kronor i transferkostnader*)

Thus there's still $232 to reach our goal. We still want to solve the debt to the hospital.

Join us you too in contribution. You can do that via PayPal. Click here for more info.

We hope for your support!

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

*Today we use Western Union for money transfer. We do this because we do not have a buffer and not enough members and contributors to make the transfer more effective using bank accounts instead sending money more seldom. We live 'hand to mouth'. There's a great advantage using Western Union for making fast transfers, the money is available from 10 minutes to maximum 4 hours.

Monday, July 18, 2016

There is a dire need

There is a dire need.....

The orphans and their caretaker Wycliffe and his family has not only suffered from lack of food and access to water for a while now, again. Due to their current situation diseases struck again. Not only did Wycliffe turn sick, again, but also one of the orphans.

Wycliffe is recovering but Teresa Aumas body couldn't cope. Malaria, typhoid and cholera was just too much.

Now we urgently need means, not only for food and water but also to rid the costs from the stay at the hospital and for Teresas death.

The bill for the hospital, medication, mortuary, transport of the dead body and the funeral is now up to $520.

Thus the funeral has to wait, there aren't any money. Teresa is now in the fridge at the mortuary and costs have therefore gone up $47.

We hope we also can raise money for food and water, if we could get another $117 that would be awesome.

If we are many that help out then each of us doesn't have to contribute that much.

Can we do this? I want to believe and hope so - let's do this!

Let's go for it and aim at getting minimum $543!

Go here and click the PayPal-button.

We hope for you contribution.

If you want some background for this post, please read these two previous posts: Link 1. Link 2.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Sunday, July 17, 2016

Take our survey!

Please take our survey!


Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Saturday, July 16, 2016

Last wednesday Teresa Auma died

Last wednesday one of the orphans died. Teresa Auma is no longer among them. Now they are 68 children instead of 69 who we help through our members and donors.

Teresa got sick in malaria, typhoid and cholera. All at the same time. Such a young body that had been without food for such a long time and who also could be one of all these kids having HIV/Aids simply couldn't resist. She could not cope. 

Their caretaker Wycliffe who also got sick is recovering. This is his second or third trip to the hospital this year from diseases.

Read more on the background of all this in the previous post.

Now it is important for me to ask of your assistance in solving the financial situaion due to all this.

We need money in order to pay for hospital bills, medicine, mortuary, transport of the body, coffin and funeral. The final figure for the hospital and medicien is not set yet but the final figure is currently $484.

We hope to raise $642 in order to also provide with food.

We hope for you contribution
Find all PayPal info here

For becoming a member you will find all info here.

Wycliffes words down below.

Thank you for taking your time reading this!

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

"Ted,Teresa Auma one of the orphans died two days ago when i too was admitted with same condition of cholera,typhoid & strong a cute malaria.Today we plan for burial on Sunday.To help us meet hospital bill & mortuary bill and funeral costs for the late child & for help of my hospital bill costs i will appreciate." 
"The bill left was so hight: 1)Hospital bill plus bed cover-23,650 Ksh2)Mortuary bill is 8,930 Ksh 3)Transporting the body,coffin,permits and other miselinious-16,550.Ksh Am not yet done with my medications so by Tomorrow morning by 9am I'll ask the hospital my bill so that i share with you."

"We have planned for burial on Sunday so that the body of the young child dont over stay. This is only when we're able to pay all these bills by Tomorrow hopefully & if we dont then the body will stay till we get.I have asked for the hospital superintendent so that am given some time back to do this and join orphans family as a father."
"I'll be finishing my treatment on Monday. Thought the bill is out but immediate need is to send off Teresa & it is sad for us all & mostly to the kids & my family .It is a big blow"

Since no money came in from Friday till Saturday I received the following:

"I will be talking to mutuary attendant by 3pm here to ask them to refrigerate the child before we get all the bills & expenses settled.On the on hand i am very weak still with total stress & depression of this world challenges.Take care Uncle.In All you do,we hope miracle is on our way.I will have to change burial date because i don't see it happening tomorrow as planned.I rell you tears of orphans for one of them."

Back after a period of absence. This is urgent.

Having been absent for a while posting here it is now necessary to pen down a post again. I pray and hope you all will read it. All lines. Especially the end is important.

Turmoil and recover

The absences of posts and activity at Agaptivity that's been for a while now was out of necessity. There was a need of recovery and contemplation. The beginning of 2016 started off pretty well but then tumultuous things happened that really took the edge of the momentum and positive attitude towards the future that we had regarding our project for the orphans at Kisumu Kenya. Things were bright and for the first time we actually had a financial buffer, not big but a buffer. A buffer that enabled for us to breathe out, relaxing from constantly chasing money or having constant fires to put out due to situations like lack of food (hunger and starvation), diseases (malaria, typhoid, cholera) or accidents. From both diseases and accidents follow costs for medicine and hospital bills and all this strains the funds for the daily need of food, water and sanitaries.

The wall

I who writes this down, chairman Ted Sjovall, have spent countless of hours and much energy on Agaptivity. Things have being going well even if it has meant very late evenings (nights) and else. It has been both fun and rewarding. When my strength started to go down Caroline Silvaro stepped in and als our secretary Bertil Hjelm and they have contributed greatly.

Finally however it was as if "reality catches up". We still need more members and more people helping out. We're not talking about full commitments like engaging in the board of directors or such, but rather helping out during event where one can pull things off in ones own local or regional area (like collecting bottles for refund).

Eventually I hit the wall (as we say in Sweden, being burned out is another expression). The many hours and the input of energy took its toll. In all this I have neglected other things that interests me, hobbies..., and the exhaustion that eventually kicks in affected both my mood and health and thus the people closest to me. It was time to put the foot down.

A defining moment

One thing in all the turmoil in the midst of the reality catching up was the home of the orphans, their center that we managed to build up. It was nothing extravagant, rather the opposite, something very simple. However - it was a home. They had a roof over their heads, it was a shelter and they had access to water through a well we borred and they also had a latrine. Water and a latrine is A and O when it comes to protection against all kind of diseases we are spared from.

You are noticing I'm writing in past tense, right? Yes. The land that the center was built on was donated to Wycliffe, or rather the congregation he's the pastor of. Not a big piece of land but big enough for the need of the orphans. Sadly it turned out that the legal documents weren't the right. One day it turned out that the daughter of the old widow who donated the land had sold it to a more affluent land lord. This land lord more or less told the orphans to 'beat it'. With the help of a lawyer friend of Wycliffe we managed to postpone the departure for four weeks giving us time to see if we could prepare for having the legal system have it saying on this. The first thing this land lord pulled up was a suggestion we should rent the land and the center! What?! Rent the very property donated and the center we built, paying more money than we put on providing food for the orphans!? That is just out of the question. It is not to consider even being a question.

At the start of the last week before the departure the demolition crew arrived..... Well, we understood already ahead of that, that it was a game lost. Kenya is, as I've heard, the third most corrupt country in the world. How could we ever put up against a land lord with a thick wallet in such a system? Especially when the demolition guys showed up before their time. It was a sign. No, it was just a matter of leaving.

Since then the kids have lived on the church premises. They spend daytime outside and sleep indoors at night. They do not have access to clean water but have to move kilometers away to fetch it. Many kids drink what ever water they find and also, they do not always have the means to purify the water properly, boiling it and using chlorine.... Today they do not have a latrine.

So, with lack of food and these circumstances it is all set up for diseases and misery.

Death visits

And sure enough. Diseases have visited. At times everything strikes, malaria, typhoid and cholera. The last time all three. One of the orphans, Teresa Auma have now gone to be with her maker. She's no longer among the orphans.

The funeral is scheduled on Sunday. Everything need to be taken care of rather quickly due to the climate.

It is all so sad....

However, we at Agaptivity, and all you members and donors who have contributed shall NOT feel bad about this, don't let your conscience down. OK? We have all done what we thought was possible. And we who have engaged in and operated Agaptivity could not have done more.

New start

Now it's time to move on. Move on to our best abilities. Until now Agaptivity's activity have for a while been limited to transferring what ever means have come in. The summer is here and we all should enjoy our holidays and time off. But I do feel it is time to look forward, towards falls at least sort of mentally thinking and planning.

Agaptivity need, or rather them who we help need:

  • More members and donors. What can we do to reach out to get more people contributing? What are your thoughts and ideas on this? Let us know!
  • More people engaged.Yet again, as mentioned above, we do not expect people being part of the board of directors and such. We're thinking more in terms of ambassdors for example, where people can help out in there local or regional area during events or coming up with their own ideas. Contact Caroline regarding this.

Right now we need this - We need your help

Right now we need to solve an acute situation. It's about taking care of things like hospital bills, medicine costs, funeral etc.... At the moment we are talking about:

  • Hospital bill – $233
  • Mortuary -  $88
  • Transport of the body, coffin etc – $163

Wycliffe will get back with the final figure.

Also, they have been out of food again for a period of time. There's been a few such periods ranging from 4-5 days or more since a while back. The final amount above is $484. That is almost what it takes for food and sanitary items for a whole month for the 69 orphans plus Wycliffe and his family....

I hope we can raise as much as possible. If we could reach $642 we would also be able to help out with food and cover the cost of money transfer.

Please help - donate
Find all PayPal info here

We hope for you support!

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall
Chairman & Director

Bertil Hjelm
Secretary & Vice Director

Caroline Silvaro
Project Coordinator

Do you have any questions or thoughts? Do you have ideas on how we could be more effective? Would you like to help us in any way? Do not hesitate, contact us! You will find all contact info here

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Thanks for a sucessful event!

On wednesday May 4th Agaptivity arranged an event where the pub Plektrum was host. Non less than five different artists/bands supported this event by entertaining the guests. This was the first really warm day of the year. Thus it took a while for people to start showing up. But eventually there was a great evening and a joyful atmospere.

Therefore we at Agaptivity want to thank everybody for making all this come true.
Thank you!
Därför vill Agaptivity tacka alla som gjorde det möjligt - Tack!

(All below will get a thank you on our homepage)

Plektrum Bar

Thanks for having and
thank you for wanting to continue making more of these great nights.
Agaptivity is looking forward to this cooperation.

Oskarstorget 1, Örebro

Örebros Rock Club! Live performances - 2 levels   
Open 9pm - 2am 

The Artists

Thank you all for making this a memorable experience.
A special thank you to Per "Pelle" Fors - if it wasn't
for your efforts gathering all the artists none of this would have happened.
Thank you Tobias Andersson, Pelle & Marie, Max & Peter, Åstadens Poporkester and
Jonas Amcoff even if you had to cancel.
Thanks also to the auido engineer Pelle Hedman for 
sorting up and controling all the wires and the sound!

Tobias Andersson 

Tobias on Facebook
Pelle on Facebook. Marie on Facebook

Max & Peter

Max & Peter on Facebook

Åstadens Poporkoster
Åstadens Poporkester on Facebook

Jonas Amcoff
Jonas Amcoff på Facebook

Pelle Hedman
Pelle Hedmand on Facebook

And last - but definitely not least - an extra thank you to Agaptivity's Project Coordinator Caroline Silvarö. This was all you idea and initiative. So, without you nothing would have happened at all.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Thursday, April 28, 2016

The sordid reality

Last year the orphans got a piece of land donated. There we could build a simple home but also dig a well and a latrine. This was really a blessing for them.

At the beginning of this year really came to understand the meaning of Kenya being one of the most corrupt nations in the world. One day we received a panicked and alarming message that they were to be expelled from their land. It turned out that the daughter of the widow who donated the small piece of land had sold it to a landlord. Due to not having the "correct" documentation and else the orphans were immoderate threatened to be thrown out. We then got some help from a lawyer friend of Wycliffe and managed to lengthen the deadline for eviction. However before the deadline the demolition crew showed up and started doing their work. The message was clear - leave! We then realized there was nothing more to do, here it is only money that talks and there was no way possible for us to fight against this corruption.

Thus the kids, once again, lack a place to live and call a home. They lack access to water and they lack a latrine. This is not good to put it mildly. They are in a very exposed situation in all ways. They spend daytime outdoors and spend nighttime indoors in the simple facilities of Wycliffe's church.... They have to go many kilometers to fetch water that is not clean. Some kids drink of that even though it is not puryfied. And since there are no means  they cannot afford to - no possibility - purify it with chlorine. 

Besides it is two-three days since they last had a meal.... Again....

An orphan drinking unclean water..... :(

I do not think I have to enlarge upon this further.... We need all help we can recieve. Big as small - all is welcome. Small means make a big difference.

Thus we need help in order for them to buy: Food, sanitary items and chlorine for water purification. They also need mosquito nets since their previous got lost or damaged during the demolition.

Mosquito nets is an investment against malaria. Chlorine is an investment against cholera etc.

Regarding a new home, a well and a latrine Agaptivity will apply for help from different foundations. Until then we do need help with the most fundamental for the well being and survival.

Support us. Visit our support page here. There you can apply for membership too.

Wycliffe's words down below.

Thanks in advance.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

"So hard after walking maby kilometers to access water that is contaminated but still orphans drink & use where there is no food like 3 days now water is the option but still with no chlorine we will end up daily in hospital with typhoid,bihazia,cholera and other waterborn diseases.With floods that carry waste. 
Flood that carries human wastes,mosquitos breeding and courses unhealthy smell and muddy baf environment is the reason of mosquito nets to avoid malaria What makes us have hope is life and Agaptivity 
Food is life and who can sleep & woke up for 3 days without anything to drink or eat unless fasting but incase of orphans who are kids,as others through away remains in dust been here we have nothing to call a plate of a meal."

Tuesday, April 12, 2016

If ever now is the time

We need your help. The orphans are now in on their third day without food. And as if that wasn't enough Wycliffe's youngest child Maria, just a baby...., has turned sick in malaria and is now hospitalized. Read Wycliffe'r words at the end of this post.

Wycliffe's daughter knocked out.
Wycliffe's wife Jemimah in tears.

The hospital bill is now at 246 dollar but will increase by the day. It's not as here were one can get discharged from the hospital and pay later, here the will be held in hospital till the bill is payed. The costs of medicine is another 67 dollars. Thus totally 313 dollar but tomorrow that amount will be bigger....

As before 21 dollars is enough to cover food and sanitary items for one day for 74 individuals.

We hope that we as soon as possible can raise at least 433 dollars to get Maria out of the hospital and supply the orphans with food for a few days.

So, if you ever have thought about helping out, now is a perfect time for doing that.

It is also our hope that you who decide to help out now also can consider becoming a member of Agaptivity and support us in the time to come.

In the following few days Agaptivity will post a report, a summary of the year gone by since the first of April 2015. The reason we haven't posted anything on the blog for some time now is due to us working hard to get some bigger contributors as well as we have been working hard struggling with the bureaucracy and corruption in Kenya. The past year has truly been like riding a roller-coaster.   

We're looking forward to your contribution. Contribute like this:

(Europe - EU/ESS/ Switzerland)

IBAN: SE12 8000 0845 2594 4336 0970


For Sweden residents more info here.

You become a member using this form.

We are looking forward to and hoping for you support.

Kind regards

Ted Sjövall

"For 2 days with malaria,diarrhea,vomiting and conversion it has not been easy for me and she is so much diadrated and lost 3kg weight. We are at Avenue Hospital in Kisumu. The bill as for now is 24,800 Ksh minus drugs which are 6,750 Ksh. Maria is in drip now. She is in ICU. This is just my pain,i have to share. we can't stop crying...i dont know why me? why us?"

Wednesday, February 10, 2016

A new hero

We have a new hero. Before that there was another, the secretary of Agaptivity, Bertil Hjelm. After the recent twist and turns with authorities in Kisumu Kenya and the reoccurring lack of food he made an effort of sharing Agaptivity's workings and quite directly he got a most amazing response.

Within a few hours 593 USD was donated!

The donor wish to be anonymous. This person has one wish, or request, and that is that Agaptivity will work for, when the opportuinty is there, to install solar cells so that they will have elecitricity at the center. This is really an inspiring idea that we, of course, will work for. Today they have to cover long distances to fetch firewood for cooking. Electricity from an neverending source of energy will be a blessing for them. Therefore we will now look into proceedings and ways and means for this. Thus we have put aside 350 dollars for this cause. 

Yesterday we sent 243 plus another 47 dollars that we're donated. This gives both Agaptivity a welcome pause but more so for the orphans that now will have food and sanitary items provided for, for about 12 days.

We are looking for more heroes. The hero-limit is however not at 593 dollars. It is much smaller than that. ALL who contribute to the aid of the orphans in Kisumu Kenya are heroes.

Be a hero you too. You will find info on how to donate and becoming a member here.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Wednesday, February 3, 2016

A starving child is a frightful sight

To all of you who can help, who have thought about it but not yet gone through with it. This would be a great time for it.

"A starving child is a frightful sight. A starving vampire, even worse." - Wycliffe, February 3rd

Help here: html

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Tuesday, February 2, 2016

Government, authorities, threats, hunger and malaria

I will not try to hide the fact that I'm somewhat cautious and reluctant regarding government and its authorities. And there are parts of this world where there really are just reasons for questioning there behavior and methods. So too in Kenya. Apparently. 

As mentioned before Wycliffe had them coming up against him, government authorities and some sort of human rights activists due to the orphans not yet having attended school. The reason for this was obvious. There were simply no money for the transportation - having to walk 40 - 50 kilometers is simply just not an option.

What about the threat? Well, they said both they were going to close the center where the orphans live and also to arrest Wycliffe!?

What would all this mean? Well, the orphans would be thrown out on the streets again. Or would the government take care of the children? Would the government provide them with food, water and shelter? Would the government pay for the school fees and cost of transport to the school? Well, what do you think?

THAT THEY have a roof over their heads, THAT THEY have had access to water and food, THAT THEY have been able to attend school. THAT depends on two things:
  1. Wycliffes self-sacrifice of love and care for these children who otherwhise would have been outcasts and unwanted.
  2. Agaptivitys contributors, its members and donors
A few days ago we did manage to solve the crisis. We got the money for the orphans to attend school and also money for them to have food.

YET - despite us showing we could manage they left Wycliffe with a warning.

And now they seem to threat to cash in that warning. Why? Well, the kids have been without food again for three days.

HONESTLY - wouldn't it be better if the government could step in and support with food and water instead of closing the center and throwing Wycliffe in jail?

THAT THEY have had any security at all is NOT to thank the government for. It solely depends on Wycliffe and YOU who have been there aiding them through Agaptivity.

Now they need you again.... How I wish there could be more people supporting them.

We need help. The children need food and Wycliffe acutely need help with the malaria that has been afflicting for the past 5 days.....

"Now i am in pain,sick and stressed and orphans have no peace because they are hungry." - Wycliffe, 2 februari

Don't let the government and authorities get their will and making things worse. Don't let them throw out the orphans to the streets were they will meet an uncertain destiny.... Don't let them throw Wycliffe in jail, sick in malaria, where he could face something worse.... THAT is not fair. It is only crazy, crazy, wrong and simply put pure evil! Where are the "human rights" in all this? Nowhere!

Please help. Info here.

Wycliffe's desperate words down below....

Kind regards with hopeful wishes

Ted Sjovall

Wycliffe's words today, February 2nd:
"Nothing to be happy about when Orphans are tired that cant even wake up,have missed a thing to be called food for 3 days now. This is the warning i was given by the government. This makes me more sick than how am feeling. It is my plea that should there be food money please help us,help Agaptivity orphans. Pray for me too 5 dats now i haven't visted doctor and my health is deteriorating.I feel no hope. Pray for me, support us."

Wycliffe's words January 25th:
"I woke up today a optimistic and hopeful human being. At 9am i received guests from government ministry of education,right activists and human rights department.Am accused of running a orphanage center where i dont value orphans education while the rest of children are in school since schools opened. There is nothing u can do about it. No,the center may be soon get closed permanently and i maybe taken to jail because  the government want children to be in school and these orphans have not attended school for access to education and they are suffer food. Uncle to avoid the dabder of the center closed i propose to get food and take the orphans back to schools. Help if you can. Thx."

Monday, February 1, 2016

In and out

What comes in goes directly out. What comes in goes directly to the needy in Kisumu Kenya, without any middle hands. Minimal expenses. All work voluntary. No middle hands. Agaptivity is charity as it should be.

Unfortunately the flow is to low for things to flourish. In December they were without food for 7 days. Recently they were without for 6 days. Now they are without again.

Then we have the risks for diseases. Wycliffe's been sick in malaria, again, for a few days. He is really sick and needs hospital care and drugs. However, there's no money.

That is how their life is. And this is how things are for us who daily carry them in our heart and mind. We long for the day when we can relax with the confidence they have their basics taken care of, food, water, sanitary, the small costs for their education and a buffer for when things like diseases hits. We are not talking huge amounts of money.

Right now there's need for money for food and to cure Wycliffe's malaria. Please help out making sure there's money coming in so we can hand it out to them.

Big or small - everything makes the difference. Make a difference you too.

Payment info here

Vänliga hälsningar

Ted Sjovall

Monday, January 25, 2016

I'm angry. Upset. How are they thinkning?!

Imminent crisis! Please read this-

Wycliffes words (down below) just adds to my disbelief in politicians. They often seem to make things worse.

They now threaten to close the center. That means the kids will be thrown out on the streets. Thus worse. They accuse Wycliffe of neglecting the kids education because they haven attended school yet. This is due to lack of money (as you all know). Transport costs. 

How the h...l can they accuse him at all, if it not were for him and for Agaptivitys donors these kids would be out on streets facing anything imaginable (not good!).

Well, read for your self and then - please help!
"I woke up today a optimistic and hopeful human being.At 9am i received guests from government ministry of education,right activists and human rights department.Am accused of running a orphanage center where i dont value orphans education while the rest of children are in school since schools opened.There is nothing u can do about it.No,the center may be soon get closed permanently and i maybe taken to jail because the government want children to be in school and these orphans have not attended school for access to education and they are suffer food.Uncle to avoid the dabder of the center closed i propose to get food and take the orphans back to schools.Help if you can.Thx."

Go to to help

Vi need you. You can make a difference.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Sunday, January 24, 2016

About a year ago.....

.....this charity started up that eventually led to the creation of Agaptivity.

Back then there was starvation and drought in the area.

It is during this season times can be hard.

The well that got dug out last summer, that was a blessing for them giving access to water at the center. Before that they had to walk several kilometers to get water, water that most definitely was safe without purification.....
Now it is January. The well is empty and dry since a while back. Yet again they are out chasing water.

Lack of water is accompanied by lack of food.

Lack of water and food is not made easier when the orphans are stuck at the center since January 4th when the schools started up again. Most kids would get fed at school. There has been no means to pay for transport.

A few days ago the managed to rid an invasion of bedbugs. The kids had not been able to wash them selves or their clothes for 3 weeks....

Food. Water. Health. School.

That's what we are working for at Agaptivity. What we are working for in ading them. Them, the orphans, Wycliffe, their care taker, and his family. 69 orphans plus Wycliffe's family, a total of 73 individuals.

20 USD per day will cover food and sanitary items for all of them. So it doesn't take much to cover all. Thus there is that much of a support to make a difference.

Join in making a difference you too. How? Info here.

Vänliga hälsningar

Ted Sjövall

The price was a goat....

Last wednesday Wycliffe with family had to rush to hospital because their little baby Maria had turned sick having difficulty breathing. They had to wait for hours before any doctor could attend to them, all due to a long line of patients. During to first 4 hours of waiting 7 children died in front of their very eyes....
Medical access in Kenya terrible...we have been here 4hrs now and we have not seen far 7 deaths as i watch. These are children..!
I wrote a post on Agaptivity's Facebook page regarding this.

It turned out Maria had pneumonia and eye infection. That was that. But then....since there were no money they couldn't pay the hospital bill or pay for drugs for Maria. Jemimah spent the night there with Maria. Wycliffe made the 10 km walk back home to attend to the orphans and his family.(from past thursday)
We are admitted ar the hospital.We couldn't walk 10km back home the situation of the little child Maria is bad.So Jemimah is in the hospital with the child ad i walk back home to take care of the rest of the family and the orphans.
I urge to text me once you have sent.Am currently in hospital with Jemimah and Maria abd from here to the bank is few minutes walk.Maria us suffering with pneumonia and eye infection.We dont gave money to pay bill or subscribed drugs but am strong not shaken.Today the child can breath...orphans are very dirty once yousenr i will buy soaps etc.Drugs for Maria is 2200 Ksh  hospital bill 1900 Ksh by now.When we are able today we will be discharged
There were no money. The money that we did recieve before this went to food. That lasted for two days. Then Wycliffes mother in law stepped in and saved the day. She actually sold her goat. THAT is making a sacrifice in that part of the world! But Maria got her medicine and the bill go paid.
Oh,Maria is out of hospital.My mother in law from the village came and when she realised the bill had not been paid she sold het goat...and again bought to Maria the drugs that were subscribed.She is oyt if danger
Now still remaining is to get the orphans to school. They haven't been able to get there. Some have a distance of between 40 - 50 km. That is to far to walk and there is no money for transport. At school many kids would get fed. Now they are all stuck at the center where the food, yet again, is out since two days.... 

Again 4 week orphans won't be in school.Food have run out since two days ago.This is the situation we live in.

That invsaion of bedbugs they managed to rid since all this is of little comfort now.

Please join in aiding. It doesn't require much and you can make a difference no matter how big or small you contribute.

Info on how to help out here.

Looking forward to having you onboard.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Monday, January 18, 2016

Bedbugs! Part 2

See previous post. This just in from Wycliffe:

"As i shared with you,it is bedbugs all over.I need to treat the situation that have lasted for weeks.I had tried washing everthing with hot hotel still is when they multiply 
Also in weeks orphans are so dirty and sticky,bad oudour and funny smell.... 
Clothes dirty and their skins are dry.So i need to buy laundry soap,washing or bathing soap and jelly or lotion. 
It is 3rd week they are not back to school since schools opened on 4th January.I believe God will make away.I trust in Him for this to happen. 
Whenever we get food it is a while like when we got sent from you then after that it is back to normal like from yesternight." - Wycliffe

We need your support. Info here.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall


Due to lack of money for some time now, where the orphans been without food on many occasions and for too long of period of times, they have now also been hit with bedbugs. This as consequence of not being able to handle the hygiene, both the personal hygiene and washing clothes.
"Uncle,it is terrible at the orphanage center with bedbugs all over and orphans having gone in weeks before bath & their clothes dirty.We need to buy    disinfectant for bedbugs ,washing and bathing soap & oil jelly plus lotions." - Wycliffe (måndag 18/1)
What we have been trying to bring forth since a while back is money for food and sanitary items. Food being the most fundamental. But now there is also need for items to rid the bedbugs.

This year we will have to get more members, donors and sponsors. The reason for Agaptivity being able to, sort of, turning this project around, money that is, is due to special efforts from members of the board of directors. This is not possible anymore. Thus we need your help.

This is yet one of many post trying to reach out getting more contributors. It's been hard....

Maybe we now can have a breakthrough? We hope so. We hope for your support.

Info on how to support us here.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall