Sunday, November 29, 2015

What can you do with 27 cents?

One of Agaptivity's two mottos are 'Everybody can make a difference'. It is possible to make a difference. Really. When people get together it becomes obvious. The best way to visualize this is by using numbers. So, let us. 

27 cents

27 cents. What could you do with that amount on an ordinary day? What if you save these 27 cent for a month (30 days). How much will you end up with? You'll end up with 8 dollars and 1 cent. What could you do with that money?

OK, for sure you can do something. You could keep on saving it, in a box at home or with interest at a bank. But would it effect you if you could look away from it, depart from it?

Thus - what can you do with 27 cents? What would it do for?

6.826 km / 4242 English miles

Let's travel. Let's travel 6.826 km, from Orebro Sweden where Agaptivity is located to Kisumu Kenya and ask the same question there. What can one do with 27 cents.

With 27 cents you can provide food and sanitary items for one person for a day. That means that you with $8.01 could do if for a whole month.

  • 27 cents is enough for food and sanitary items for one person for one day
  • $8,01 is enough for a whole month

    Life and death

    Thanks to the members of Agaptivity, their contributions we have been able to help 73 orphans in Kisumu Kenya. It has however not been consistent or without problems. On the contrary they have at times for periods been without food. A while back they were without for seven days!

    The inflow to Agaptivity is not consistent and not enough. That's a shame.

    What we have been able to do have in many cases been the difference between life and death. Apart from food and we have been able to help out with hospital bills and costs for medicine when they have been subject to cholera, malaria and typhoid. We will be forever thankful for those who have contributed with donations. The donors have really saved the day.

    More members

    It is our hope and goal to get more members. It is on the basis of memberships we can secure a steady inflow of money for helping the orphans. We do also aim for getting companies as sponsrors.

    As we get more members and thus securing the most fundamental needs we can start aiming for bigger projects such as water purification, buildings, education and future and also projects that involves the community getting self sufficient. It is not an utopia but fully possible.

    This blogpost is focused on membership. Why? Well, it is out a membership basis (and also sponsoring companies) that we can make calculations. Donations come and go and cannot be taken for granted. We see them as bonuses. Should it be the case that we get more donors, that they are recurrent with a recurrent amount then it is possible to add to a calculation, but not until then.

    What can you do?

    What can you do? Well, we do not expect anything but we have high hopes. In order to become a member of Agaptivity $5 is the minimum monthly contribution. We need this limit due to members having influence in the organisation, having right to speak and vote. You can influence the workings of Agaptivity.

    Our members pay anything from $5 to $58 per month, in average about $20 per month. That means that each of our members is helping about 2,5 individuals. A contribution of $8 per month would mean 1 person.

    Like and Do

    Today we have 133 persons liking us on Facebook. Thank you all for doing that! We are only 11 members today. These 11 are among the 133. We know that all who like us on Facebook cannot help out, they simply don't have the means for it. However there are those who help out by sharing posts etc - thank you! We do believe that there are those among the 133 that could help out contributing. There are those who do through donations - thank you! But we believe there are more who can help out.

    It is our hope that more will take the step from liking us to helping us, from liking Agaptivity to supporting our work for the orphans.

    All matters

    Where one contributes with $5 another contributes with $60. Small streams makes big rivers. We know that.

    Do not think that it is no point in contributing small. There are no small contributions. All contributions matters - yours too.

    Can you consider contributing? Can you consider contributing with 27 cents per day, thus $8 or mroe per month?


    Today Agaptivity operates hand-to-mouth. All we receive goes directly to the needy. Thus we have no buffer and cannot therefore plan or structure any special efforts. Many times situations have been solved on the very last minute. Of course we're glad for that but it isn't optimal. We wish we could do more, we want to execute our work more efficient.

    As said before, there's been many tough situations. Unfortunately they have been out of food - starving that is.... - seven days the last time..... Us being able to fix it is due to the following:
    • Occasional/Stray donations
    • Extra membership contributions (members adding more money)
    • Sponsor money (our first and so far only sponsor contribution saved a severe situation)
    • Efforts from the board of directors


    Our economy shows minus today. Not debt, minus. E.g our Chairman have, as the founder of Agaptivity, stepped in and having money owed to, despite the challenges that has caused. 

    These efforts shows that Agaptivity fulfills its purpose, that cannot be questioned.

    The small IS the big

    To sum it up and end this post it is obvious that small means makes a big difference. When you decide to make a difference you fulfill the first of Agaptivity's mottos that 'Everybody can make a difference'. We, Agaptivity, fulfill our second motto - 'Charity as it should be'.
    Charity as it should be
    • 100% voluntary
    • No middle hands
    • Minimal expenses

    You ARE the difference

    It is you who can be the difference, or rather it IS you who are the difference. We who are on board already makes a difference. Take the step you too and sign up for membership!

    We're looking forward to having you on board.

    Kind regards

    Ted Sjovall

    Thursday, November 26, 2015

    The new website will have to wait.....

    The new website is ready for launch. But since we lack means for domain transfer and the cost for the web hotel we will have to postpone.

    We're not talking about enormous sums, only about $55 and that is for a whole year. Then we'll only pay only $2 per month for the web hotel. However, since we who are responsible for the operation already are having money owing to it will have to wait. For example, this past Monday we decided to put out some extra money adding to the collected money to send clothes and other things to send to the orphans in Kenya. 

    Apart from that Agaptivity's chairman is already having money owing to for helping out in crisis's thus stepping in to help out with what matters most - food and sanitary items for the orphans.

    As soon as we can we will launch the new website. We're looking forward to it, it will be a real face lift for Agaptivity.

    It's a fact that with more members, more donors and sponsors we can cope with surrounding matters like webpages and software aswell as the providing the needy.

    We're looking forward in having You on board!

    Kind regards

    Ted Sjovall

    Sunday, November 15, 2015

    Successful event!

    On an initiative from Caroline Silvaro, Agaptivity's from today appointed Project-Coordinator (see previous post) we, in the City of Orebro Sweden, gathered bottles and cans for deposit and things donated for the Kisumu Kenya orphans.

    Even though the influx was rather low, we did invite 307 people, we managed to cash in about 170 dollars. These funds will be used for the cost of shipping clothes, shoes, blankets, sanitary items and some candy :)

    We aim to send the things at the end of this week in order to guarantee they will receive the goods well before Christmas.

    Since the fall out was so good we will do this again at the beginning of next year. If more people will join the even then, the more we can do for the orphans.

    Thank you all who made this possible.

    Kind regards

    Ted Sjovall, Chairman and Caroline Silvaro, Project-Coordinator

    Ted Sjovall

    Agaptivity welcome Caroline as Project-Coordinator

    As a result of a inspiring and active engagement Agaptivity now welcome Caroline Silvaro on board Agaptivity. As the obvious driving force she is Agaptivity has agreed upon that Caroline will work as the organisations Project-Coordinatoor.

    As all others involved Caroline to is into working for charity as we believe it should be executed. On our upcoming new homepage we will highligt the following:

    Charity as it should be
    • 100% voluntary
    • No middlehands
    • Minimal expenses

    This we do fulfill and with Caroline now on board we are all looking forward to an exciting time for the organisation, its members, its donors but mostly for those this whole thing is concerning - the needy.

    Caroline is already appreciated and liked by the orphans in Kisumu Kenya and we are looking forward to an exciting work to come.

    Welcome Caroline!

    Agaptivity's Board of Directors through Ted Sjovall

    Ted Sjovall


    Due to the current weather in Kenya for some time now, where the effects of El Ninó actually are real, they are experiencing cold, humid and windy weather. Bad combination.... Since many kids still lack blankets and mattresses some of the kids have got pneumonia. Their center, where they are so happy and grateful to have been able to build up thanks to Agaptivity's members and donors, is unfortunately inferior to the standard of living we are spoiled with in the west.

    Thus they once again had to pay a visit to the hospital and once again got in debt. Fortunately we could however solve this, pay the debt and make sure they got the medication needed. The solution is both optimal and not. Optimal in the positive sense because the crisis is no more, optimal in the negative sense because the benefactor has added to a already very burdened personal economy. 

    They kids sick are recovering but still have no appetite....

    How bad all this may sound it is very positive to see that all things are possible and with more members, donors and sponsors we could fix this project easily and raise the bar some more. This means we could make greater improvements and life changing ventures and further on also start more projects and help more people.

    Join and make a difference you too. Sign up for membership, donate money or contact us if you are running a business and wish to be a sponsor.

    For donations:

    Swedish recidents or citizens who are able to to pay via bankgiro - Bankgiro: 414-3228

    Europe - EU/ESS/Schweiz, Pay via IBAN and SWIFT.IBAN: SE12 8000 0845 2594 4336 0970SWIFT: SWEDSESS

    The rest of the world, pay to Agaptivity’s PayPal-account. If you have problems with the link, our PayPal adress is

    Looking forward to your support and involvement.

    Kind regards

    Ted Sjövall