Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Cholera outbreak in Kisumu!

Cholera outbreak in Kisumu. Again....

Hopefully non of the orphans have it or will get it, them or Wycliffe and his family. 

You can help avoiding this, contributing to guarantee that they will have acces to clean water.

Become a member and/or donate.

Article: http://citizentv.co.ke/news/high-alert-in-kisumu-as-cholera-outbreak-reported/

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Monday, July 27, 2015

Sometimes those who have less give more

"Sometimes those who have less give more."

Kan du ge? Vill du ge?

Orphans showing symtoms of cholera.... Food's out. Please help!

If you are reading this. See if you can help. Urgent. Important. We beg you on the behalf of the orphans to open your heart. Wycliffe's words:
"To be honest,we are stuck with fencing and water project and today we noticed indication and symptoms of cholera in two of the orphans here and this worries me more...then those who were helping drilling/digging bore hole have not been paid their dues and even food too is already run out."
Become a member and/or donate.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Friday, July 24, 2015

Wycliffe's well. But how serious a disease is malaria?

Just talked to Wycliffe. He finished his drugs against malaria today. He's well but weak. He's been having fever and been vomiting and lost his appetite.

So, how bad is malaria?

Malaria is spread via mosquitos. Malaria is deadly. In Kisumu 6 people out of 10 dies. Wycliffe could have been on of the 6. Had it not been for Agaptiviy there would not have been any money and....

You protect your self with mosquito nets. For only $3 you will get a net that is big enough for three persons. Thus again - with little you can do much.

Help Agaptivity help them.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Come on now!

Come on now!

Agaptivity wish, hope and beg for you who like us to take step and becoming a member and/or donating. Take part in making a difference, filling hungry kids with food, giving them shelter and security, putting a smile on their beautiful faces. 

They don't ask for much, the little they can get is more than they can dream of. It is like Wycliffe wrote me once, something like " There are those who throw food away after finished a meal when there are kids here who would dream of having that as a meal." 

Please join, please help....

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Thursday, July 23, 2015

And your response is...?

We in the western world are probably very priviliged. A family. Friends. Roof over our heads. We can fill our bellies. Then what? Yes, what do we choose to put our money on that is of value? Something that makes us grow as human beings, something that is of real difference for someone else? What can vi do for our 'neighbour'? We can do that, can't we - do something that really counts for someone else?

If you can, are you willing to do something? That is the case in point. Will you make a difference? Because you can. Agaptivity can be the mean for you to do so. Chose us an help 64 orphans i Kisumu Kenya.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Effects of malaria.... Please help our friend in Kisumu.

Our friend, the care taker of the orphans, needs your help. There is also need of help regarding the orphans. Wycliffes words:
Bro,i have lost a lot of weight could be because of much loose of water in my body,vomiting and lack of appetite and effects of these  malaria drugs that have left me very week still.Though  i am improving and doing better today though i still cannot eat because i have no means.I thank you for your prayers they have kept me going.Finally,Schools started closing yesterdays,today and finally tomorrow Friday my only request would be should you be able please these orphans MUST come back all at the center by 2pm tomorrow.The need now is the transport cost for the 22 orphans as fare.This is urgent.Shalom!!Wycliffe.

Please help. Become a member and donate or just donate.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Project Kisumu Kenya - Goals

This is a compilation on the goals that Agaptivity currently is working for regarding the orphans in Kisumu Kenya.

This compilation is also to be found here.

1. Food and sanitary items
Secure daily food and sanitary items. $600 is about enough to provide 68 persons with food and sanitary items per month. They are Wycliffe and his family and the 64 orphans. We're talking about as little as $20 per day.

2. Water
Secure access to clean and fresh water. These past days a project is going on drilling for a well to secure access to water at the orphanage. At the same time they are trying to fence the centre to protect the children. As for now (July 21 2015) there is need of $375 for the well and $450 for the fencing.  

Clean water would almost eliminate the risk of water carrying diseases like cholera.
Access to water would also be a blessing for the community by being able to extending the help.

100% clean water is possible (see below on 5. Solvatten).

3. Mosquito nets
Mosquito is sadly to say Malaria. As of today they have used some of the money sent to purchase som nets.

4. Blankets and mattresses
Now it is one of the colder months in Kenya. The children lack both mattressess and blankets. They try and avoid the colder weather by using used (read dirty) clothes as mattress and blanket....

5. Solvatten
About three months ago Agaptivty thought this part was fixed. At that time we had an agreement with a sponsor. Agaptivity calculated that the sponsor money would both provide with Solvatten and also food and sanitary items for about 1 1/2 months. Sadly the sponsors have not followed through keeping the promise. We do not know if the sponsor will. Agaptivity do not count on it since we haven't got any answers. Thus Solvatten remains as a goal. Solvatten is bundled, 6 per package, and with the shipment included we are talking about $600-700. 

NOTE! These are of course the most fundamental things for their healt. Well, survival really. Agaptivity do have bigger goals and ambitions as securing their future where education is the first step. Then Agaptivity will look into other ways or means in order to make the community self sufficient.

Become a part of this you too. Sign up for membership here.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall


Tidigare i år var jag rädd att något hade hänt Wycliffe. En dag blev det tyst. Först efter fem långa och otåliga dagar fick jag höra ifrån honom. Något hade hänt. Malaria och tyfus. Wycliffe klarade sig med nöd och näppe, liggandes på ett sjukhus som var överbelamrat av människor till följd av ett utbrott av kolera. Wycliffe tvingades dela säng med två personer. Bara en sådan sak.... Wycliffes sängkamrater dog båda två. Wycliffe klarade sig.

Since two days Wycliffe has got sick again. This time "only" malaria. Days of fever and womiting despite medication. Thank God for the medicine. He could get that because Agaptivity was able to send money a few days ago due to a donation and a new member. If not, what would have happened? I, Ted Sjovall, the founder and the one doing all the workings in Agaptivity have on some occations jumped in and helped out real emergencies even though I haven't really had any fundings. Until recently I've been unemployed.

Today we are only 10 members. On Facebook we have 115 people liking Agaptivity. It was my wish and hope that we could have been more members today.

Would we have been more we could have helped avoiding situations like this. We could not only have secured the food and the sanitary items but also could have arranged with mosquito nets and access to clean and fresh water.

To all of you who are contributing, members, donors and our sponsor - thank you! From the very bottom of my heart - thank you!

Even the smallest of amounts can make a difference. This is the case: It is better having a 100 persons contributing with $6 than two persons contributing with $300. How so? Well, if one contributor stops contributing it's pretty obvious.

To all you reading this, I beg you to see if you can find it in your heart to help, even if so small.

Please pray that Wycliffe will recover. It is of the utter most importance that he is well. He is Agaptivity's contact and the provider and caretaker for the orphans.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Monday, July 13, 2015

Update. Back from vacation.

Long time, no see. Due to vacation we haven't been able to update Agaptivity's Facebook page or websites. Hopefully more things will happen here from now on. The need for the orphans is still there. We need more members, donors and sponsors helping out.

Remember that even the smallest amount can make a difference. As little as $20 will help provide food and sanitary items for 68 persons for one day. Agaptivity is looking forward in having you onboard. 

Sign up for membership here.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall