Monday, January 25, 2016

I'm angry. Upset. How are they thinkning?!

Imminent crisis! Please read this-

Wycliffes words (down below) just adds to my disbelief in politicians. They often seem to make things worse.

They now threaten to close the center. That means the kids will be thrown out on the streets. Thus worse. They accuse Wycliffe of neglecting the kids education because they haven attended school yet. This is due to lack of money (as you all know). Transport costs. 

How the h...l can they accuse him at all, if it not were for him and for Agaptivitys donors these kids would be out on streets facing anything imaginable (not good!).

Well, read for your self and then - please help!
"I woke up today a optimistic and hopeful human being.At 9am i received guests from government ministry of education,right activists and human rights department.Am accused of running a orphanage center where i dont value orphans education while the rest of children are in school since schools opened.There is nothing u can do about it.No,the center may be soon get closed permanently and i maybe taken to jail because the government want children to be in school and these orphans have not attended school for access to education and they are suffer food.Uncle to avoid the dabder of the center closed i propose to get food and take the orphans back to schools.Help if you can.Thx."

Go to to help

Vi need you. You can make a difference.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Sunday, January 24, 2016

About a year ago.....

.....this charity started up that eventually led to the creation of Agaptivity.

Back then there was starvation and drought in the area.

It is during this season times can be hard.

The well that got dug out last summer, that was a blessing for them giving access to water at the center. Before that they had to walk several kilometers to get water, water that most definitely was safe without purification.....
Now it is January. The well is empty and dry since a while back. Yet again they are out chasing water.

Lack of water is accompanied by lack of food.

Lack of water and food is not made easier when the orphans are stuck at the center since January 4th when the schools started up again. Most kids would get fed at school. There has been no means to pay for transport.

A few days ago the managed to rid an invasion of bedbugs. The kids had not been able to wash them selves or their clothes for 3 weeks....

Food. Water. Health. School.

That's what we are working for at Agaptivity. What we are working for in ading them. Them, the orphans, Wycliffe, their care taker, and his family. 69 orphans plus Wycliffe's family, a total of 73 individuals.

20 USD per day will cover food and sanitary items for all of them. So it doesn't take much to cover all. Thus there is that much of a support to make a difference.

Join in making a difference you too. How? Info here.

Vänliga hälsningar

Ted Sjövall

The price was a goat....

Last wednesday Wycliffe with family had to rush to hospital because their little baby Maria had turned sick having difficulty breathing. They had to wait for hours before any doctor could attend to them, all due to a long line of patients. During to first 4 hours of waiting 7 children died in front of their very eyes....
Medical access in Kenya terrible...we have been here 4hrs now and we have not seen far 7 deaths as i watch. These are children..!
I wrote a post on Agaptivity's Facebook page regarding this.

It turned out Maria had pneumonia and eye infection. That was that. But then....since there were no money they couldn't pay the hospital bill or pay for drugs for Maria. Jemimah spent the night there with Maria. Wycliffe made the 10 km walk back home to attend to the orphans and his family.(from past thursday)
We are admitted ar the hospital.We couldn't walk 10km back home the situation of the little child Maria is bad.So Jemimah is in the hospital with the child ad i walk back home to take care of the rest of the family and the orphans.
I urge to text me once you have sent.Am currently in hospital with Jemimah and Maria abd from here to the bank is few minutes walk.Maria us suffering with pneumonia and eye infection.We dont gave money to pay bill or subscribed drugs but am strong not shaken.Today the child can breath...orphans are very dirty once yousenr i will buy soaps etc.Drugs for Maria is 2200 Ksh  hospital bill 1900 Ksh by now.When we are able today we will be discharged
There were no money. The money that we did recieve before this went to food. That lasted for two days. Then Wycliffes mother in law stepped in and saved the day. She actually sold her goat. THAT is making a sacrifice in that part of the world! But Maria got her medicine and the bill go paid.
Oh,Maria is out of hospital.My mother in law from the village came and when she realised the bill had not been paid she sold het goat...and again bought to Maria the drugs that were subscribed.She is oyt if danger
Now still remaining is to get the orphans to school. They haven't been able to get there. Some have a distance of between 40 - 50 km. That is to far to walk and there is no money for transport. At school many kids would get fed. Now they are all stuck at the center where the food, yet again, is out since two days.... 

Again 4 week orphans won't be in school.Food have run out since two days ago.This is the situation we live in.

That invsaion of bedbugs they managed to rid since all this is of little comfort now.

Please join in aiding. It doesn't require much and you can make a difference no matter how big or small you contribute.

Info on how to help out here.

Looking forward to having you onboard.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Monday, January 18, 2016

Bedbugs! Part 2

See previous post. This just in from Wycliffe:

"As i shared with you,it is bedbugs all over.I need to treat the situation that have lasted for weeks.I had tried washing everthing with hot hotel still is when they multiply 
Also in weeks orphans are so dirty and sticky,bad oudour and funny smell.... 
Clothes dirty and their skins are dry.So i need to buy laundry soap,washing or bathing soap and jelly or lotion. 
It is 3rd week they are not back to school since schools opened on 4th January.I believe God will make away.I trust in Him for this to happen. 
Whenever we get food it is a while like when we got sent from you then after that it is back to normal like from yesternight." - Wycliffe

We need your support. Info here.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall


Due to lack of money for some time now, where the orphans been without food on many occasions and for too long of period of times, they have now also been hit with bedbugs. This as consequence of not being able to handle the hygiene, both the personal hygiene and washing clothes.
"Uncle,it is terrible at the orphanage center with bedbugs all over and orphans having gone in weeks before bath & their clothes dirty.We need to buy    disinfectant for bedbugs ,washing and bathing soap & oil jelly plus lotions." - Wycliffe (måndag 18/1)
What we have been trying to bring forth since a while back is money for food and sanitary items. Food being the most fundamental. But now there is also need for items to rid the bedbugs.

This year we will have to get more members, donors and sponsors. The reason for Agaptivity being able to, sort of, turning this project around, money that is, is due to special efforts from members of the board of directors. This is not possible anymore. Thus we need your help.

This is yet one of many post trying to reach out getting more contributors. It's been hard....

Maybe we now can have a breakthrough? We hope so. We hope for your support.

Info on how to support us here.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Friday, January 15, 2016


Wycliffe's words today, Friday January 15th.

"Ted, We make urgent appeal & request from ur end to help contain the situation of hunger, malnutrition & lack of food now 6 days to these of empty stomach orphans. 
And also from 4th they have never been back to school ad i have planned.My family is had hit with these 2 challenges of lack of food and kids not yet in school."
We beg of your help. Info here.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Thursday, January 7, 2016

One year. Jubilee soon! Water and food.

It's soon been a year since the workings of helping the orphans in Kisumu Kenya started.

It was on February 16th the first money, 58 dollars, were sent.

That time they had draught and starvation in the area. It is during that time of year that hits the area.

So too this year.

The well that managed to drill last summer is now dry.... They had to walk 9km to fetch water, walk through bush, past wild animals..... (Read more down below, Wycliffes words)

Let's sum it up:
There's no money.
There's no food.
There's no water.

IF: Water and Food = Life
THEN: Non-Water and Non-Food.....

They need you. We beg of you to help. Info here.

Agaptivity is looking forward to and hoping for your aid.

Kind regards

Ted Sjövall

"Here the January hunger and draught season have started and our water bore hole is drained so including myself we walked 9 km  in deeper village past bush,wild animals and mountains to fetch for water and when we reached at the water point it was like a market so we too whole day there.It will be now whole week when Orphans have not reported back to school which us so sad.When you sent us 5,100 we bought food for Jemimah and the child plus the same food we as a family shared with 69 orphans so it was only for 2 eays and as i write we are back to zero."

Tuesday, January 5, 2016

A living and a life

The things we get in life can get us a living
The things we give to people can make a life

The things we give...

Join. Make a life Join in supporting the orphapns in Kenya - find out how here.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Sunday, January 3, 2016

2016 and 2015

A few words for 2016 and for the year put behind.

In Sweden we have a saying, sort of, 'New year and new challanges'. Some take the opportunity to fulfill all sorts of new years resolutions.

For Agaptivity a new year awaits too. Regarding challanges they are however not new but rather the same. Agaptivity's current project is aiding 69 orphans in Kisumu Kenya. Without the efforts of Agaptivity's members and donors their future would very well be uncertain. Thanks to you who help out supporting us we have manage these achievements:
  • The orphans have a centre to live in. It is not a luxurious building but the do have a roof over their heads and can sleep safely at night.
  • A drill has been borred so they have access to water.
  • A latrine was also built. The latrine together with access to water is critical.
  • We have managed to provide them daily access of food and sanitary items. Well, sort of.... (more down below)
  • We could help out take care of hospital bills and medicines - thus probably saved lives..... when they were hit with malaria and cholera.
  • Also we had two successful project gathering clothes, shoes, blankets, sanitary items, pens etc that we could send.

The challenge ahead is as before trying to reach out to as many as possible to get more members of Agapativity and donors, but also sponsoring companies. One important challenge because there are periods when they are without food. In December they had a period of 7 days without. It is hard for me, as an adult to even imagine such a thing. So being a child then (they are between 4-15 years of age) going through such a thing...well, I do not have to elaborate on that.... Concidering many of the orphans have HIV/Aids it is urgent to accept the challenge to continue the fight for them to at least have one meal per day, every day.

Regarding new years resolutions I have but one. That is to fight as hard this year as the last - every day till it's time to commit to same resolution again. The success of this resolution is however dependent upon, now as then as ahead, how many will join in ading.

Let me make this clear: You can make a difference. Trust me. The smallest of contribution can make the biggest difference for one of the orphans in Kisumu.

Thus I ask of you now to sign up for membership in Agaptivity and/or donate.

Agaptivity is 'Charity as it should be'.
  • 100% voluntary
  • No middle hands
  • Minimal expenses

Visit us at for more info about us and how to be a part of us.

Looking forward in having you on board!

Kind regards!

Ted Sjovall

Food's out....

Sadly I have to let you know that the orphans are out of food since yesterday, Saturday.

Thus there's now an urgent need for food.

Apart from that the schools starts up again so there's also need for study material, books and pens etc.

That's it. As short as it gets.

The thing is that it all comes down to so little. One can make a big difference with small means. 20 USD is enough for food and sanitary items for 73 persons for one day. Therefore we at Agaptivity know that all contributions - small and big - can make a difference. You can make a difference.

Join and make a difference. Sign up for membership and/or donate. If you're running a business you can become a sponsor. More info on how to make a difference here.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

Friday, January 1, 2016

More education

More on the orphans education. From Wycliffe.

Don't forget to visity Agaptivity's webpage -

Uncle, schools opens on 4th Jan 2016. Needed are school uniforms, reading and writing materials, pens and pencils etc and school fee. Purchasing these now before the week of 4th is cheaper. After a long holidays it will be time to concentrate on how to get orphans access education. Their transport back too will be needed for those who learn far from the center or nearby village primary and high schools.We are in need. We need help, prayers and donations towards this urgent need. 
I have been in town window shopping for prices of school uniforms, text books, exercise books, pens, pencils, bags, cost of transport back to school and updated school structures. Doing all these preparations and purchases cones at a time when Sunday banks dont open and on 4th every orphan have to be park in school. Tomorrow banks opens till 12pm. The 69 orphans only 5 will not be back in school with 2 out of 5 getting to join high school soon. The other three are still sick that they can't walk to the bus station. So 64 orphans are whom we shall purchase school items for.With getting orphan back to school at a time. We are trusting God that are able to give orphans education they deserve, we count on Agaptivity. Shalom!
Join in helping the orphans. Helping their education is one of Agaptivity's goals.

Help them. Sign up for membership, donate or if you run a company you can become a sponsor. Find out more here.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall