Sunday, January 3, 2016

2016 and 2015

A few words for 2016 and for the year put behind.

In Sweden we have a saying, sort of, 'New year and new challanges'. Some take the opportunity to fulfill all sorts of new years resolutions.

For Agaptivity a new year awaits too. Regarding challanges they are however not new but rather the same. Agaptivity's current project is aiding 69 orphans in Kisumu Kenya. Without the efforts of Agaptivity's members and donors their future would very well be uncertain. Thanks to you who help out supporting us we have manage these achievements:
  • The orphans have a centre to live in. It is not a luxurious building but the do have a roof over their heads and can sleep safely at night.
  • A drill has been borred so they have access to water.
  • A latrine was also built. The latrine together with access to water is critical.
  • We have managed to provide them daily access of food and sanitary items. Well, sort of.... (more down below)
  • We could help out take care of hospital bills and medicines - thus probably saved lives..... when they were hit with malaria and cholera.
  • Also we had two successful project gathering clothes, shoes, blankets, sanitary items, pens etc that we could send.

The challenge ahead is as before trying to reach out to as many as possible to get more members of Agapativity and donors, but also sponsoring companies. One important challenge because there are periods when they are without food. In December they had a period of 7 days without. It is hard for me, as an adult to even imagine such a thing. So being a child then (they are between 4-15 years of age) going through such a thing...well, I do not have to elaborate on that.... Concidering many of the orphans have HIV/Aids it is urgent to accept the challenge to continue the fight for them to at least have one meal per day, every day.

Regarding new years resolutions I have but one. That is to fight as hard this year as the last - every day till it's time to commit to same resolution again. The success of this resolution is however dependent upon, now as then as ahead, how many will join in ading.

Let me make this clear: You can make a difference. Trust me. The smallest of contribution can make the biggest difference for one of the orphans in Kisumu.

Thus I ask of you now to sign up for membership in Agaptivity and/or donate.

Agaptivity is 'Charity as it should be'.
  • 100% voluntary
  • No middle hands
  • Minimal expenses

Visit us at for more info about us and how to be a part of us.

Looking forward in having you on board!

Kind regards!

Ted Sjovall

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