Tuesday, July 21, 2015


Tidigare i år var jag rädd att något hade hänt Wycliffe. En dag blev det tyst. Först efter fem långa och otåliga dagar fick jag höra ifrån honom. Något hade hänt. Malaria och tyfus. Wycliffe klarade sig med nöd och näppe, liggandes på ett sjukhus som var överbelamrat av människor till följd av ett utbrott av kolera. Wycliffe tvingades dela säng med två personer. Bara en sådan sak.... Wycliffes sängkamrater dog båda två. Wycliffe klarade sig.

Since two days Wycliffe has got sick again. This time "only" malaria. Days of fever and womiting despite medication. Thank God for the medicine. He could get that because Agaptivity was able to send money a few days ago due to a donation and a new member. If not, what would have happened? I, Ted Sjovall, the founder and the one doing all the workings in Agaptivity have on some occations jumped in and helped out real emergencies even though I haven't really had any fundings. Until recently I've been unemployed.

Today we are only 10 members. On Facebook we have 115 people liking Agaptivity. It was my wish and hope that we could have been more members today.

Would we have been more we could have helped avoiding situations like this. We could not only have secured the food and the sanitary items but also could have arranged with mosquito nets and access to clean and fresh water.

To all of you who are contributing, members, donors and our sponsor - thank you! From the very bottom of my heart - thank you!

Even the smallest of amounts can make a difference. This is the case: It is better having a 100 persons contributing with $6 than two persons contributing with $300. How so? Well, if one contributor stops contributing it's pretty obvious.

To all you reading this, I beg you to see if you can find it in your heart to help, even if so small.

Please pray that Wycliffe will recover. It is of the utter most importance that he is well. He is Agaptivity's contact and the provider and caretaker for the orphans.

Kind regards

Ted Sjovall

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